Cleaning external surfaces and washing hands are very important during the CoVid-19 outbreak. Another key factor is to build your own immune system. Eating immunity building foods like citrus fruits, garlic, broccoli, and spinach is always beneficial. Another effective and quick way to get high doses of vitamins is intravenously (IV). The Recovery Room is open for appointments if you are interested in scheduling a IV therapy session.
Regenerative Medicine
The field of regenerative medicine has gained significant interest over the past few years. The concept of achieving pain relief while avoiding surgery is a significant factor in its increased interest. Unfortunatley, the intense desire to seek out regenerative options has led to the development of “stem cell clinics” providing false claims and procedures performed by non-specialists or non-physicians. However, when performed correctly, regenerative medicine can offer great value to the future of medicine, including for patients seeking pain prevention and injury treatment.
Today’s regenerative medicine encompasses a wide variety of treatments and technologies that include but are not limited to stem cells. Many products involve the use of autologous stem cells through blood or bone marrow aspiration as well a liquid solutions to help aid a healing environment. This article will discusses the specific areas of regenerative medicine used at The Recovery Room Sports and Regenerative Medicine Clinic.